The story revolves around a young man whose father, a world-famous wine critic, suddenly dies. His father leaves behind a wine collection worth a fortune, but in order to take over his the collection, he must solve a challenge left by his father to find 13 wines. However, he has no real experience with wine, and his rival is his adopted brother, who happens to also be a prominent wine critic.
Review by Jdorama
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Kame-chan...? [Rating: 10/10]
I believe it was the most serious drama Kame had. But it had a new feeling. I hadnt seen a drama about uh... wine. I was intrested as soon as I saw Kame's picture, his face like that. :)) Well, thats what you have from me, a JE-addict.
I give it a 10 for everything, but there was something on the sideline that was superbly annoying me. And yes, I know what your thinking, its the girl. Shinohara Miyabi. She was super annoying, with that annoying voice of hers. No offense, but I just dont really like her. I'm sorry to all those Naka Riisa fans, but its just my opinion, no need to take it any firther. |
Reviewed by JEaddicthellyeah on 3 November 2009 |