Naruto the movie 3 " The animal Riot of Crescent Moon Island"
Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, and Lee are sent to protect a prince during his trip around the world and see that he returns safely to his home in the Moon Country. The Moon Country happens to be really rich and as such the Prince tends to buy anything his heart desires. During his travels the Prince comes across a circus group that features a rare Sabre-toothed tiger that he just has to have, so he purchases the entire group. Suddenly a mission to protect the prince that hardly listens to anything said, turns in to a mission to look after animals and a prince that doesn't listen to what they say, and in the end somehow get them all back safely to their home country. All the while there are three mysterious Ninja wielding some frightening jutsu waiting for them. Why are they attacking them? What do they want with Team Kakashi!?!
If the movie were to take place during the anime timeline, it would have to take place during the filler arcs between part 1 and part 2, after the Sasuke Retrieval Arc and sometime before the end of part 1 of the anime/manga.
The first 100,000 people to see the movie, as a promotional item at certain theaters, will receive a high quality Naruto yo-yo.(Datteba yo-yo) It has a picture of Naruto on it that when spun, special LEds inside will light up, making it look like a rasengan with colors that change while the yo-yo spins.