This drama portraits the nostalgias of "the good old days" and youthful hopes and dreams.
Yuika Satonaka (Ueto) is a freshman in university who came to live in Tokyo to continue her studies. Although she had a brand new start before her eyes, she was somehow at a loss. Nothing seemed to interest her and her hopes and dreams were distant. One day at the school orientation, her eyes are glued at a sudden performance of a group of unsuccessful actors, “Shimokita Sundays”. Their unique play made her laugh… something she has forgotten for a long time. Yuika takes a chance to visit Shimokita and goes to see their play only to find how unpopular and how very few audiences they had. But still, their performance touches Yuika’s soul… great enough to make her try out for their audition.
落榜生大野優太追隨心愛的女朋友來到東京,入住在從情報雜誌上找到的合租公寓「Nutopia」。 合租人都是女生,而且個個年輕性感..... 最初,受到美女們的色相攻擊、接連被捉弄的優太,還被附近美女寡婦告發是偷內衣褲的小偷。
另外,和美女們的分租同居生活還瞞著女朋友小實,隨時都有遭到被誤解而與女友分手的危機存在! 但是優太與同居的每個女生都用心溝通,自己也得到成長。美女們也都很喜歡優太貼心、純樸、溫柔的性格,認為這些比什麼都重要......
本片表面上是部純粹無厘頭搞笑日劇,其中卻可以看出劇作者對自由、無隔閡以及無拘束生活的嚮往 。 |