Based on the manga Hana Yori Dango, KBS youth K-drama Boys Over Flowers is the runaway hit of 2009. The modern-day Cinderella tale revolves around Ku Hye Sun's poor, spunky schoolgirl and her angsty romantic triangle with two ultra-rich and ultra-handsome heirs, played by breakout star Lee Min Ho and pop idol Kim Hyun Joong from SS501. With the drama attracting high viewership rating and fan buzz, the first Boys Over Flowers soundtrack also turned into a bestseller, generating multiple top ten hits like SS501's "Because I'm Stupid" and T-max's Paradise.
Now, the drama's second soundtrack, Boys Over Flowers OST Part 2, has arrived! This highly anticipated release opens with two songs from T-max - Say Yes, another catchy hit from the composer of Girls' Generation's Baby Baby, and the soft and upbeat ballad Wish Ur My Love featuring J. SS501 returns with the sweet uptempo ending theme "Making a Lover", and this time all five members participated in the song. There are also many new contributors in the lineup including red-hot girl group Kara, up-and-coming girl group Brand New Day, Loveholic's Ji Sun, K-Drama OST favorite HowL, and SS501's labelmate A'ST1 who croon the light and melancholic R&B number "Yearning Heart".
Comes with 9 photo cards and red F4 card.
????????? ????? OST ?????? 2
01. Say Yes - ?????????(T-MAX)
02. Wish Ur Myluv - ?????????(T-MAX) & ???????????
03. ????????? ?????????? - ????????????(A'st1)
04. ???????????????????? - SS501
05. ?????????????????? - ????????????
06. Love Is Fire - ?????
07. Love U - ??????
08. ??????????? ??? - ?????????????
09. ???????? ?????? - ???????(?????)
10. Cellogic
11. ????????????
12. ???????????? ???
13. ???????? ????????? |