The cast and crew of hit TV drama Nurse no Oshigoto reunite for more love and laughs in the 2009 comedy Baby, Baby, Baby!. Written and directed by Morosawa Kazuyuki (Dear Friends), the heartwarming comedy revolves around the experiences of expectant mothers of different ages and backgrounds. Starring Mizuki Arisa, Matsushita Yuki, and Kanda Uno as mothers-to-be plus heartthrobs Fujiki Naohito and Tanihara Shosuke, Baby, Baby, Baby! takes an amusing and empathetic look at the decisions and difficulties women face during an unexpected pregnancy.
Just promoted to chief editor at a large publishing company, Yoko has finally reached the most crucial stage of her career. But then she finds out she's pregnant - and the father is a poor photographer she drunkenly spent the night with during a business trip. Will Yoko have to choose between the baby and her career? |